Men Are Beautiful!

5 min readMar 6, 2018

Nature has crafted man marvelously and their male counterparts are equally splendiferous and dandy. Have you seen a lion? And the lioness? And a peacock? and a peahen?

Men are beautiful and women are powerful and they both think otherwise.

Nature has blessed the women with the power of womb and the power of nurturing the child, henceforth women are blessed with the power of unconditional love, power of intuitiveness, power of innocence, power of higher spiritual connect and power of higher level of emotional intelligence.

So, no paid maternity leaves in U.S.

Why do women need an international women’s day — a single day in a whole year when they reign every moment *24 * 7 * 365(1/4) * whole life. “If all the men on Earth died tonight, the species (women) could continue on frozen sperm. If the women disappear, its extinction.” - wrote Greg Hampikian in his opinion — Men, Who Needs Them? But, we are all born humans. Do women want to evolve into a honey-bee type of society?(where male is killed post coitus.)

All queens, no honey!

The Yoga Sutras and Vedas never emphasized on religion or gender. They talk about the path to achieve the goal of a human life( if someone has the time to think beyond cars and bills.) They talk about humans and wisdom for the humans and how a human can be happy and content always. But we know —

No woman, no cry!

If a man hits a woman — how to seek justice?

A) An eye for an eye will only increase the sale of sunglasses.

B) Ignore or bear the humiliation or walk out or ‘no action against his act’ — won’t make you you sane.

C) Forgive and let him hit again. That’s being a “Pure Holy Cow!”

D) Break the bones(Don’t say how?).

E) Warn — ‘Dare Not Ever’ plus forgive plus let go plus live freely and happily.

For ‘Dare Not Ever’ — one needs courage to do it all by herself or seek help. There are plethoras of NGOs available locally and globally, police, help lines, social media and humans to be there for you — just ask. And most just don’t ask for help.

And those most are men, too.

Chicken or egg — both are non vegan!

Maya Angello says ‘Courage is the most important of all the virtues’. Malala Yousafzai’s valor, Lupita Nyong’s silent smile and undiscovered Susan Boyle’s confidence to stand and sing ‘I dream a dream’ for the audience laughing at her teaches us a lesson — be what you want to be. Let the power to pee anywhere on earth rest with men. Let the power of grace always be with women.

Who teaches us the basic etiquettes anyway?

Evil has been prevalent throughout the centuries, it will prevail in the future in the evil acts done by a bunch of humans. One man rapist doesn’t make all men of Earth rapist and one woman rapist doesn’t make all the women rapist. 1 in 6 male college students reported having been raped wrote E. Kulze in the article ‘The Hard Truth About Girl-on-Guy Rape’. In 2012, FBI in US redefined ‘Rape’ to be gender neutral. According to CDC 29% of heterosexual men experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime.

What an educated woman wants today?

Career, relationship, hook-up, car, nice apartment, travel, porn, sperm donor, IVF…? Is commitment by a man — a want? But commitment means mutual trust and mutual surrender. Absence of trust is mere relationship. It’s a blockchain not marriage.

Oops! Open marriage!

Does every person above 18 consider oneself as human first and woman, man, lesbian or gay later? Of course we all are humans first and that’s why we struggle for a career to have life. But, what’s the purpose of life?

Please don’t Google! Think. Your brain is the best search engine!

A child needs a family. A man needs a family. A woman needs a family. We all need families to nurture our souls(Now, you may google to understand the meaning of soul). We just can’t live by nurturing our bodies only. Economic independence is required. Thank God we have Bitcoin but bitcoin won’t buy you love. Because love is the real power. Desire to be loved and admired is inborn. That’s why social media is thriving. Celibacy may give you great psychic powers but it’s the intimacy that makes us complete human. Responsibilities in a marriage refine a man and a woman to the core of their being. This is really crazy but true — A woman teaches man care and craziness.

And a Man’s inner beauty makes a woman beautiful. (Assholes are exceptions)

Do total strangers having their first kiss feel the love? (

What is alarming? Yes! This is Holy S**t!

The average age of menarche (first menstruation) is going down which is immensely terrorizing situation, as it means high risk of obesity, high risk of breast cancer, shorter bone life, shorter fertile life and early menopause — shorter life cycle. Absence of father is one of the factors of early menarche. Now what!

Holy Cow dream!

Dream and have courage to pursue the dreams. It’s more important than education. With her Stanford tuition fee Elizabeth Homes founded Theranos — 30 lab tests can be done from one drop of blood. Arunachalam Muruganantham, a man who speaks his own English, has invented a cost-effective sanitary napkin-making machine.

Bill Gates pursued dream. neither college degree nor girls.

The amount paid to Sandra Bullock for the movie Gravity might remove the prevalent prominent gender bias in Hollywood. All the female actors are educated, rich, intelligent, talented and hardworking and no school teaches how to fight gender-bias.

We need ethics hanging somewhere in the Himalaya air.

We need gender-neutral world chess championship and first lady President of U.S. — to give hope and faith to the people of Earth. Haven’t we created enough of global warming! Don’t blame Trump for that! Fight for what is right. Be human.

Six pack woman! Come on.

Comparing men and women is like comparing bananas and oranges. Man and woman complement each other. Together they form a family, f**k and create progenies. They fight and love and fight happily and badly sometimes. But if they won’t stay happy, they won’t grow wealth and health. Their contented hearts and minds are reflective upon the society, the country and the world. — Hot global warming is not cool.

So, cook and do the dishes. Damn!

‘Never underestimate the power of a woman’ quoted Nellie McClung. Needless to say, we all, including the women themselves, do underestimate the power of women, their matriarch being Kali — the Goddess of Time and Change.

Do we need a fourth wave of feminism? Come on! Ocean is all ours.

PS: Be courageous, nurture families, love is an open door.

BTW — It’s the lioness who takes care of the family.

Next —

Crypto Sanity, Scamming Madness And Women in Blockchain




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